Learn the reasons how and why we got our Combative Congress – right down to the root causes.
Understand pivotal changes badly needed. Ages 16-90.
What makes this book unique?
Combative Congress addresses a serious and complex topic in ways that make reading it pleasant. This nonpartisan book’s appeal stretches from a high school student to a professor, from a young housewife to a retired chemical engineer, and more. It was written to be concise and readable with a little humor thrown in for free.
What will the reader take away from this book?
How Congress over several decades became two parties so focused on dominating one another that animosity and infighting have replaced productive bipartisan problem solving, and
That the American Congress is quite the exception among important countries in having only two influential parties and therefore is a poor climate for civil negotiation, and
That the two parties have created and protected electoral systems that prevent competition, but that these can be fixed.
Congress’s approval rating is stuck around 20%. Why? The PROBLEM is that our see-saw-between-parties Congress is not fulfilling its responsibilities. Why? Only logical digging to the root causes of the Congressional infighting permits attacking causes rather than symptoms.
This handbook on Congress explores why, how, and when our warring parties have ensured that we have a duopoly while most other important countries have an average of 3.9 effective parties. Having more than two parties promotes dialog, compromise, and problem solving. This non-partisan book develops the pivotal changes required to repair our dysfunctional Congress. – in a concise read with numerous beautiful color photographs by the author and color graphics.
Benjamin Franklin said we have “a republic, if you can keep it.”